Friends of East Rock Park
Stewardship Advocacy Community
Friends of East Rock Park
Stewardship Advocacy Community
Stewardship Advocacy Community
Stewardship Advocacy Community
Friends of East Rock Park is a community and environmental advocacy group. We encourage neighbors to meet each other, celebrate the environment and become stewards of the park. We build connections by hosting work days and social events, and supporting other neighborhood efforts. All of our events are free and open to everyone. Join us!
Photo by John Kallio
The Friends of East Rock Park was formed in 1982 and reinvigorated in 2008. FERP volunteers provide ongoing stewardship beyond the scope of the Parks Department. We host work days throughout the year during which we perform a variety of tasks: pick up trash; remove invasive species; deVine to protect the tree canopy; plant trees, shrubs, flowers and bulbs; mulch garden beds; and help maintain safe access to trails.
We advocate and fund park infrastructure projects and amenities thanks to donations and grant monies. Past projects include the stairways leading to English Drive from Rice Field, Betty’s Way, and new railings along the access to the Giant Steps. Park amenities paid by FERP include the water fountain in College Woods, nine new Victor Stanley trash receptacles on the perimeter of College Woods, tables, chairs and refurbishments inside the Trowbridge Center, as well as park maps and educational signage at the Summit and in College Woods.
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
Copyright © 2018 Friends of East Rock Park - All Rights Reserved.